funny cats - We Love Animals

funny cats

Neighbor cat retrieves woman’s lost keys from hole in sidewalk

Neighbor cat retrieves woman's lost keys from hole in sidewalk

There’s nothing more annoying than losing your keys. We’ve all accidentally dropped our keys somewhere out-of-reach, and had to desperately ...

Couple gets into weeks-long stand-off with their cats, who won't let go of their new blender

Anyone who has ever had a pet cat can tell you that they can get pretty territorial. Cats will decide ...

Cat reunites with family after being accidentally donated to thrift store while hiding in chair

Any animal owner can tell you that pets sometimes end up in the most unexpected places. Cats, with their flexible ...

Cat went missing for three days — then returned home with a 'bill' for all the fish she ate

Not all cats like to sit around the house—some like to wander around the neighborhood on their own. It’s usually ...

Cat visits the beach for the first time and shows his feelings with funny reactions

It’s always fun to take your pets out of the house and into the world, to see new places and ...

Grumpy-looking cat and his opposite brother become viral stars on Instagram

Instagram is the perfect place to find pictures of unique and funny pets. While we love the cute and friendly ...