snow - We Love Animals


Owner sends her 2 horses out in snow: Their unexpected reaction has whole internet in stitches

Woman brings her horses inside house to keep them safe from freezing weather

In recent days an Arctic blast has swept through the US, causing record-low temperatures in many parts of the country. ...

Officer braves heavy snow to rescue dog lost in snowstorm

It’s always inspiring to see people go the extra mile to help a pet in need. That was the case ...

Red panda cub is overjoyed at seeing snow for the first time

There’s nothing like the first snowfall of the season, especially around this time of year. Going out and seeing that ...

Heroic hound who finds cat in snow and drags him to safety is caught on camera

As humans we think we have our animals all figured out but for every dog and cat that fits the ...

Cat who loves the snow can't go outside anymore... so his owners surprise him by bringing it inside

Winter is coming fast, the weather’s getting cold, and many areas have begun to get their first snowfalls of the ...

Helpless dog stuck in deep snow. Now watch when the German shepherd comes to his rescue

A man was out walking his two dogs one cold winter day. Snow had fallen during the night and walking ...