funny videos - We Love Animals

funny videos

Sports commentator is out-of-work due to coronavirus — so he narrates his dogs’ eating races instead

Little dog doesn't understand why statue won't play fetch with him

Dogs are such active animals, and are always looking for a playmate — especially for a good game of fetch. ...

Woman only shares her ice cream with one of her dogs — then reveals the hilarious reason why

It’s no secret that dogs love to eat, and most owners are happy to indulge them with a tasty treat ...

Owner teases dog about treats in hilarious viral video with 200 million views

Sometimes after a long day you just need a funny animal video to cheer you up, and this one is ...

Dog doesn't understand why statue of Abraham Lincoln won't play fetch with her

There’s nothing a dog loves more than a game of fetch, and they’re always eager to find someone to play ...

Woman spots a dog dining at NYC restaurant, on cute 'date' with his owner

We all love our dogs and want to spend as much quality time with them as we can. There’s nothing ...

Dog runs to the TV when Pavarotti starts singing — and joins in for an opera 'duet'

Some pets really love music, just like people do. Many pet owners can attest their dog or cat has a ...