sick dog - We Love Animals

sick dog

Animal rescue discovers their sick puppy will only eat one thing: chicken fingers

Animal rescue discovers their sick puppy will only eat one thing: chicken fingers

Many of us have experienced cravings for certain foods while feeling under the weather, like a nice hot soup when ...

Dog leads owner to malnourished puppy 'left to die' in park, then they find her a new home

It’s truly unimaginable that anyone would abandon their dog, but thankfully there are people (and dogs) who are willing to ...

Sick pit bull puppy left at cemetery gets better & finds a new home

It’s always heartbreaking when a dog is abandoned, but it’s always great to hear when an abandoned dog finds a ...

Rescue Chihuahua cancer-free after 17 rounds of chemo and finds his forever home

Shelter dogs might not have a family of their own, but they still deserve all the love and care they ...

'Help Me': Rescue fighting to save malnourished puppy after he was left outside in box

Earlier this year, animal lovers across the country followed the story of Ethan, a dog who was abandoned in terrible ...

Dog is taken to be euthanized just for 'not playing enough,' until a rescue saves his life

It’s always shocking how some people can abandon their dogs at shelters for such trivial reasons. When you adopt a ...