saving kittens - We Love Animals

saving kittens

Trooper stops to help kitten stranded on interstate, and decides to adopt her

Trooper stops to help kitten stranded on interstate, and decides to adopt her

Sometimes pets come into our lives in unexpected ways, as if by destiny. You come across an animal and just ...

Police officers save kittens trapped under car, get thanked with cuddles

Firefighters are usually the ones known for “saving kittens from trees,” but sometimes it’s the boys in blue who actually ...

Firefighters save scared kitten trapped in ATM — vets name cat 'Cash'

Sometimes our pets get themselves stuck in some pretty unusual places, but one recent story is truly unbelievable: a kitten ...

Police officer adopts kitten after rescuing him from car engine

A scary situation for one trapped kitten led to a very happy ending, after he was adopted by one of ...

Officers come to the rescue of crying kittens trapped in storm drain

It’s a police officer’s duty to look after everyone in their community, whether they be human or animal. Sometimes animals ...

Men go out fishing, but end up reeling in stray kittens

When you go out on a fishing trip, you never know what you’ll find out on the water. Sometimes you ...