dog food - We Love Animals

dog food

Dog food sold at Walmart recalled for containing “loose metal pieces”

Dog food sold at Walmart recalled for containing "loose metal pieces"

Our pets are like our children, so it’s important to keep a close eye on what they are eating. The ...

Police officers save German Shepherd from canal — with the help of a tasty muffin

It’s a well known fact that dogs love to eat. Many dog owners know how to use their pet’s favorite ...

Woman tries to return dog food after her pet died unexpectedly, then gets flowers from company

It’s always a very difficult time after a beloved pet dies. Your home is full of reminders of a pet ...

Former stray dog is still grateful to have his own food bowl, and sleeps with it every night

Adopting a rescue can really change a dog’s whole life. When a dog comes from nothing and only knows mistreatment ...

Stray dog shows up at sandwich shop every day for her free meal

We all hope that every animal can find a loving forever home, but the reality is that there are many ...