neglected dogs - We Love Animals

neglected dogs

Owner dumps malnourished pit bull on the side of road with just a bag of food

Shelter "shocked and gutted" after taking in abused, neglected dog — now she's in good hands

Shelters do incredible work giving animals a second chance, but some cases are harder than others. It’s always difficult and ...

Neglected dog arrived at shelter nearly starved to death — now he's living his best life

Some animals arrive at shelters in heartbreaking condition, but with a little love their lives can totally turn around. That ...

Malnourished dog found tied to pole gets a new start — and a role in 'The Nutcracker'

It’s hard to believe how anyone could abandon their dog, but far too many heartless owners just ditch their pets ...

Emaciated dog found ditched on side of road last Christmas now has a loving forever home

It’s sad to think about all the dogs who are in shelters, just wishing someone would give them a loving ...

Obese senior dog finds a new home after owner ditches her on interstate

When you own a dog, it’s your responsibility to give them the best care throughout their lives, even when they ...

Couple moves out of house but leaves their dog tied up to fence

It’s always heartbreaking when people abandon their own dogs, leaving them for dead and not caring what happens to them. ...