rescuing cats - We Love Animals

rescuing cats

Delivery driver saves cat who was thrown out of a car window

Oscar-winner Lupita Nyong'o adopts shelter cat after break-up: "Yoyo is saving me"

Rescuing an animal is one of the best things you can do. Even the biggest celebrities have had their lives ...

Woman was terrified after her cat went missing at airport — but now the pet is home safe

Travelling with a pet can often be a stressful experience, but it was a true nightmare for one woman after ...

Cat stuffed in paper bag, left in dumpster now safe thanks to rescuers

It’s truly heartbreaking how cruel some people can be to animals. We’ve seen too many stories of pets tossed away ...

Rescue team goes extra mile to save kitten trapped in storm drain for 40 hours

Sometimes animals get stuck in some pretty difficult places, and it takes some kind and hard-working people to help get ...

Woman crawls 300 feet through sewer to rescue trapped kitten

It’s always heartwarming to see people go out of their way to help animals in need. Sometimes cats or dogs ...

Men go out fishing, but end up reeling in stray kittens

When you go out on a fishing trip, you never know what you’ll find out on the water. Sometimes you ...