famous cats - We Love Animals

famous cats

Grumpy-looking cat and his opposite brother become viral stars on Instagram

Kate Beckinsale's beloved cat Clive has died: 'My heart is absolutely and totally broken'

No matter who you are, there’s nothing worse than experiencing the loss of a beloved pet. Even the biggest celebrities ...

Nutmeg, famous feral cat of Disneyland with cocktail named in her honor, has died — rest in peace

We all know that Disneyland is filled with fictional animals, like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, but real-life animals also ...

The story of 'Room 8,' beloved schoolhouse cat immortalized in gravestone

Head over to the Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park in Calabasas, California and you’ll find the graves of many famous ...

Owner of late viral cat Lil Bub adopts a new, unique-looking pet: Mister Marbles

It’s always heartbreaking when a pet passes away, especially when that animal brought so much joy to so many people. ...

Shelter cat named 'Dennis Quaid' gets adopted by the real Dennis Quaid

“What’s in a name?” Shakespeare once wrote in Romeo and Juliet. It turns out for pets, having the right name ...

Katy Perry posts tribute to her beloved rescue cat who passed away — rest in peace

No matter who you are, it’s always a sad day when your pet passes away. Even celebrities have a hard ...