abandoned cats - We Love Animals

abandoned cats

Cat was shoved through mailbox slot at post office — now “Special Delivery” is in good hands

Cat was shoved through mailbox slot at post office — now "Special Delivery" is in good hands

It’s always unbelievable the ways people abandon animals, but thankfully these poor discarded creatures often end up in better hands. ...

Cat surrendered by owner for being 'too affectionate' finds a loving new home

It’s always heartbreaking when someone surrenders their pet to a shelter, but some people do it for some truly unbelievable ...

Delivery driver saves cat who was thrown out of a car window

It’s truly unbelievable how cruel some people can be to animals, but thankfully, there are also everyday heroes who step ...

Kittens found ditched on the side of the highway get adopted by state trooper

It’s always heartbreaking when someone abandons their pet. We’ve seen too many stories of people ditching their pets on the ...

Men go out fishing, but end up reeling in stray kittens

When you go out on a fishing trip, you never know what you’ll find out on the water. Sometimes you ...

Dog finds tiny stray kitten in the rain, saves her by guiding her home

We’re always happy to hear stories of people rescuing stray animals and giving them homes. But it’s even m ore ...