trash - We Love Animals


Woman rescues baby animal from trash bin just in time — raises him to be a full-grown beauty

Woman rescues baby animal from trash bin just in time — raises him to be a full-grown beauty

You never know when an animal will come into your life and change everything. One animal rescuer discovered a tiny ...

Trash crew finds tiny puppy abandoned in garbage bag — one man sees him and knows it's meant to be

Sometimes animals come into our lives in the most unexpected ways, and we know it’s meant to be. Recently, members ...

Dog found 'barely hanging on' in dumpster now on the road to recovery

Dogs are such smart, beautiful animals — and yet, some heartless people still treat them literally like garbage. We’ve seen ...

Elephants are spotted eating trash as garbage dump piles up on their land

We share our planet with so many beautiful species of animals just trying to survive. As we humans develop cities ...

Severely burned puppy was found abandoned in dumpster—rescuers race to save her life

It’s always shocking the things people will do to a defenseless animal. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, ...

Family abandons dog in shelter just for eating out of trash

Dogs are great pets, but we all know they can make a real mess sometimes. One thing many dog owners ...