Emaciated puppy found dumped in trash, her microchip reveals culprit and justice is served

The number of animals that are so cruelly dumped because they are no longer ‘convenient’ for their owners is shocking.

Although not plentiful there are shelters that will take these animals in but for so many heartless animal owners it seems this isn’t convenient either.

One dog, in Pennsylvania, had to endure the terrifying experience of being put in a trash can and thrown away like garbage.

‘Animals shoud be treated with the same respect as humans’

The 9-month old was discovered three days later by trash collector Nathan Binnie who was horrified by his discovery.

“You could see every bone; she was shivering and shaking,” Nathan told WTAE.

“Animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. They’re living and breathing, just like us.”

While he waited for the humane society to arrive he fed the border, labrador-mix what food he had.

Officers from the Humane Society of Westmoreland County found the dog had been microchipped and was able to trace her owner.


The dog, who was originally called Mia and was renamed Fawna for her light tan coat, was traced to a woman who had moved to Texas to be with her boyfriend.

Clearly there was no room in her new life for her faithful four-legged friend so she thought it was okay to dump her in the trash and let her starve.

A woman threw this dog in the trash so she could follow her boyfriend to Texas. According to the story a trash collector…

Posted by Save a Dog on Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fawna weighed just 17 pounds when she was found and was all skin and bones. But thanks to her rescuers she gained 8 pounds in just one week.

Pleaded guilty

Police believe Fawna was starved for six weeks before she was dumped and a cut on her hip had turned into an abscess that had to be removed, according to Trib Live.

Nicole Baker pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. She willingly agreed to enter the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program on an animal cruelty charge, and was ordered to pay $600 restitution, according to WTAE.


Thankfully Fawna finally got the home she deserves when veterinary technician Megan Fritz, who helped nurse the poor pup back to health, decided to adopt her.

Inspiring story

Megan, who also has a Great Dane dog, said she wanted train Fawna to be a therapy dog.

“I think her story is really inspiring,” says Megan.

See Fawna’s transformation thanks to the love of the animal heroes around her, in the clip below.


No animal should have to endure what Fawna did. I hope this woman is never allowed to own another animal again.

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