husky - We Love Animals


Woman notices her rescue husky acting strangely — then realizes how he saved her life

Woman notices her rescue husky acting strangely — then realizes how he saved her life

It’s great to have a dog around the house — you never know when they might just save the day. ...

Rescue takes in neglected husky who "turned to stone" after severe mite infection

A shelter was left in shock after taking in a husky who was in terrible shape, having “turned to stone” ...

Husky spent 676 days in the shelter — then he sees a familiar face from his past

Every shelter dog dreams of finding their forever home, but it can take some a very long time. That was ...

Husky named "Bret Michaels" saves a kitten's life — then gets adopted by the real Bret Michaels

It’s always inspiring to see celebrities helping shelter dogs, but one recent story is truly remarkable: when a kitten named ...

Two husky puppies were abandoned over fence — but after a remarkable recovery they're been adopted

It’s truly heartbreaking when animals are cruelly abandoned by their owners, but thankfully there are also kind people willing to ...

Man arrested for dumping Nanook the husky on the side of the road, charged with animal cruelty

Last week we reported on Nanook, the husky dog who was abandoned on the side of the road in a ...