hunting - We Love Animals


Donald Trump Jr. granted permit to hunt and kill grizzly bear in Alaska

Suspected poacher found dead in wildlife preserve, likely killed by elephant

Illegal animal poaching is a serious crime and a major issue for wildlife conservationists. Endangered animals like rhinos and elephants ...

Notorious poacher who killed 70 tigers arrested after 20-year search

It’s hard to imagine why anyone would want to kill an innocent animal, let alone one that is part of ...

White giraffe, the last one on earth due to poaching, is given GPS tracker for protection

Illegal animal poaching is a heinous crime, one that remains a major problem for protected species. It’s even worse when ...

Ricky Gervais calls for end to trophy hunting, calling it 'humanity at its very worst'

It’s hard to believe anyone would take pleasure in killing a majestic animal like a lion, but trophy hunting big ...

Dying buffalo gores hunter through the leg twice in final act of revenge

A dying buffalo managed to gore hunter Chris Mcsherry through the leg before dying, leaving the man hospitalized through his ...

Hunter killed by deer he shot

"I’ve worked for the Game and Fish Commission for 20 years, and it’s one of the stranger things that’s happened."