grieving - We Love Animals


Woman’s obituary for her golden retriever best friend goes viral

Monkey shows up at funeral to pay respects to man who showed her kindness

Animals are smarter and more empathetic than we sometimes give them credit for. They are able to form real relationships ...

Woman tries to return dog food after her pet died unexpectedly, then gets flowers from company

It’s always a very difficult time after a beloved pet dies. Your home is full of reminders of a pet ...

Grieving dog recognizes his late best friend in photo, and won't look away

Dogs are such caring, emotionally intelligent animals. They have a remarkable ability to understand when someone has died, and can ...

Funeral home hires Labrador Retriever as 'Bereavement Care Dog,' providing comfort to grieving families

Dogs are such great animals who can provide comfort and support to those who need it most. Emergency services like ...

Grieving man adopts dog who was in shelter for 200 days, changing both their lives

It’s an understatement to say that the past few months have been hard for everyone. We’ve all been impacted by ...

Grieving woman sees her dog's face in the clouds hours after he passed away

Our pets are more than just animals—they’re like best friends and family members… and when one passes away, it’s a ...