zoo animals - We Love Animals

zoo animals

San Diego Zoo welcomes precious newborn aardvark, first born in 35 years

Oregon Zoo releases seven critically endangered California condors into the wild

The Oregon Zoo released seven California condors into the wild last month. The critically endangered birds were hatched and raised ...

People think this sun bear is actually a human in a costume — zoo denies conspiracy theories

Visit the zoo and you can see all kinds of unique and interesting animals. But the sun bears at a ...

Zoo celebrates birth of critically endangered Amur leopard cubs, rarest cat species in the world

It’s always a special day when new baby animals are born, especially when they are part of an endangered species. ...

California zoo celebrates birth of baby pudu, world's smallest species of deer

It’s always exciting when a new baby animal is born. Who can resist the cuteness of a tiny newborn? Now, ...

An An, the world's oldest male giant panda, dies at 35 — rest in peace

Some animals are blessed with long lives, exceeding the life expectancy for their species. Some even break records as the ...

Stray dog rescued after getting caught in gorilla enclosure at zoo

Zoos are a great place to see animals in person, but visitors at the San Diego Safari Park this weekend ...