rescuing dogs - We Love Animals

rescuing dogs

Grateful dog has big smile for rescuer who spent weeks trying to save her

Curious dog sticks head through dryer vent, gets stuck in wall — police and firefighters come to rescue

Sometimes dogs get themselves stuck in some pretty tricky places, and need a little help from their human friends to ...

Missing German shepherd puppy found in tree 25 feet in the air

It’s always heartbreaking when a pet goes missing, but sometimes lost pets show up in the most unexpected places. That ...

Hikers find scared, injured lost dog on trail — go the extra mile to get her to safety

It’s always inspiring to see people go out of their way to save animals. That was the case recently, when ...

Couple moves in to new house and finds an abandoned dog tied up in their yard — gives her a new life

It’s always shocking to see the cruel ways some people abandon their pets. But thankfully, there are also kind people ...

Rescue team saves exhausted, injured dog who climbed England's highest mountain

A rescue team came to the aid of one exhausted, injured dog who had just scaled the highest peak in ...

Firefighters rescue dog trapped in storm drain: 'Teamwork makes the dream work'

Sometimes dogs get stuck in some pretty tricky places, and it takes some kind people working together to get them ...