mother dog - We Love Animals

mother dog

Pregnant dog rescued from the freezing cold right before giving birth on Christmas

Pregnant dog rescued from the freezing cold right before giving birth on Christmas

It was a Christmas miracle this year for one mama dog, who was rescued from harsh, freezing weather just in ...

Firefighters save puppies from home vent after being alerted by worried mama dog

Sometimes animals get themselves stuck in places and can’t get out, and need a little human help to get free. ...

Mama dog who lost her puppies adopts litter who lost their mom: 'Nothing short of a miracle'

A mother’s love is the most powerful thing in nature. Mother animals can always be seen doing everything possible to ...

Newborn baby bunnies think caring golden retriever is their mom

Dogs are such sweet and protective animals—it’s always inspiring to see them instinctively step up to help care for another ...

Rescue Corgi becomes new mother for litter of abandoned pit bull puppies

It’s incredible how loving and caring dogs can be, especially mother dogs. We’ve seen moms do incredible things to protect ...

When two scared puppies arrived in a foster shelter, a mama dog broke out to comfort them

For a foster puppy, getting moved around to new homes can be a frightening experience. But luckily, one momma dog ...