Dog grieving - We Love Animals

Dog grieving

Loyal little dog refuses to leave late owner’s side at her funeral

Loyal little dog refuses to leave late owner's side at her funeral

Animals are often more emotionally intelligent than we give them credit for. Pets form real loving bonds with their owners, ...

After 22-year-old was killed, his grieving dog laid by his graveside at his funeral

Our pets are so much more emotionally intelligent than we realize — they have the ability to realize when their owners ...

Dog has beautiful reaction after seeing painting of his deceased brother

Dogs are so emotionally intelligent, they seem have a remarkable ability to understand when someone has died, and are even ...

Three-legged dog always mourns for his friends by laying by their gravesites

It’s amazing how emotionally intelligent dogs can be. They’re able to form real loving friendships with people and other animals… ...

Man takes his old, sick dog to be euthanized — and sees his other dogs say goodbye

It’s incredible how intuitive and emotionally intelligent our pets can be. They always seem to be able to sense what’s ...