Little ones - We Love Animals

Little ones

Mother mountain lion’s last act leads to her orphaned cubs being rescued: now they live in sanctuary

Injured seal pup crawls up stairs looking for help — beachgoers save the day

An injured, lethargic baby seal crawled across the beach looking for help — and thankfully was found by some kindhearted ...

Police officer makes impressive tackle to catch runaway pig in viral video

When you’re a police officer, you never know what your day will be. Sometimes cops are called on for some ...

Man unexpectedly finds tiny creatures hiding in his car engine — rescue leads to heartwarming reunion

When a man’s car wouldn’t start, it led to a very unexpected discovery under the hood — and a heartwarming ...

Wildlife rescuers wear fox masks while caring for baby kit — learn the important reason why

Wildlife rescuers truly go the extra mile to help animals in need and give them their best chance at survival. ...

Researcher discovers tiny, 'sleepy mouse' – then realizes it's someone extraordinary

The world is teeming with unique animals, many of which inhabit Australia. While residents of the country are naturally familiar ...

PETA wants Groundhog Day to go animal-free, suggests unexpected replacement for Punxsutawney Phil

Groundhog Day is coming up soon on February 2, and as part of the longstanding tradition, towns across the US ...