trophy hunting - We Love Animals

trophy hunting

White giraffe, the last one on earth due to poaching, is given GPS tracker for protection

White giraffe, the last one on earth due to poaching, is given GPS tracker for protection

Illegal animal poaching is a heinous crime, one that remains a major problem for protected species. It’s even worse when ...

Trophy hunter who targeted elephants and lions gets eaten by crocodiles

All animal lovers are opposed to trophy hunting. It can be hard to believe that there are people who enjoy ...

Ricky Gervais calls for end to trophy hunting, calling it 'humanity at its very worst'

It’s hard to believe anyone would take pleasure in killing a majestic animal like a lion, but trophy hunting big ...

Animal experts sound the alarm as trophy hunters pose with the slain bodies of threatened polar bears

Killing these animals for sport is on the rise and this sick pastime has led to 5,000 of these vulnerable ...

Elephants charge scared hunters who shot one of their own

Corné Kruger, a big game hunter in Namibia, told News 24 that although the video was uploaded at the end of ...