pregnant - We Love Animals


Dog rescued by Coast Guard officers after being trapped in a shipping container — then vets make shock discovery

Dog rescued by Coast Guard officers after being trapped in a shipping container — then vets make shock discovery

A surprising update to a story we brought you last week: a team of Coast Guard officers saved a dog’s ...

Pregnant woman forms bond with pregnant stray cat, then they give birth at same time

When you’re expecting a baby, it’s always nice to have a friend who is also pregnant to share the experience ...

Curious baby orangutan notices pregnant woman, gently kisses her 'baby bump'

Apes are the closest relatives to humans in the animal kingdom, and people often find a special connection to these ...

Pregnant stray cat desperately moans for help – watch her response when she gets what she wants

Not all animals are lucky enough to give birth in the safety of a home and for those poor pregnant ...

French bulldog couple announces pregnancy with elaborate maternity photoshoot

French bulldogs Cozette and Boudreaux are expecting children, and naturally decided they had to announce it to all their friends ...