newborn - We Love Animals


Zoo celebrates birth of first-ever southern white rhino calf on Christmas Eve — congrats

Zoo celebrates birth of first-ever southern white rhino calf on Christmas Eve — congrats

It was a very special Christmas this year for the staff at Zoo Atlanta, who celebrated the birth of a ...

Wild baby bison born in UK for the first time in thousands of years

It’s always exciting news when a new baby animal is born, but the recent arrival of one baby bison is ...

Zoo celebrates birth of rare, critically endangered black rhino baby

For any zoo, the birth of a new baby animal is an occasion to celebrate. But it’s an even bigger ...

Tourist spots elephant giving birth and hits record, but then the herd comes charging in 

Having a baby has to be up there as one of life’s ultimate magical moments. It’s also one of the ...

Newborn baby is buried alive by her 15-year-old mother: Rescued by unexpected friend

Ping Pong was hit by a car and lost the use of one of his legs. “But I kept him ...