laws - We Love Animals


Allentown, Pennsylvania becomes latest city to ban declawing cats

Allentown, Pennsylvania becomes latest city to ban declawing cats

Declawing cats was once a common practice across the United States, with cat owners opting to remove their pet’s claws in ...

Senate unanimously passes Big Cat Public Safety Act, prohibiting keeping lions and tigers as pets

In our highly partisan world, it’s not often that the evenly-split US Senate can fully agree on something. But that’s ...

New York passes statewide ban on pet stores selling cats and dogs, aimed at ending puppy mills

Buying animals from pet stores has fallen out of fashion over the years, as more and more people have become ...

New bill would eliminate breed-specific dog bans in Florida

Some dog breeds get an unfair reputation for being particularly aggressive or vicious, and are the subject of bans in ...

Tennessee considering new law that would make it illegal to chain up a dog in extreme weather

Leaving your dog improperly chained up can leave them with great pain and discomfort. Chains that are too tight can become ...

New Maryland law allows veterans to adopt pets for free

Having a pet can be great for everyone, but they can be especially beneficial for veterans. Men and women returning ...