act of kindness - We Love Animals

act of kindness

Father of two struck and killed by teenage driver moments after ushering baby ducks safely across the street

Father of two struck and killed by teenage driver moments after ushering baby ducks safely across the street

A father of two was killed last week moments after he safely guided a brood of ducklings across a California ...

Brazilian priest opens church doors to homeless dogs, encourages parishioners to adopt them

Typically when you think about a place where you’d adopt an animal from, you’d think of a shelter or some ...

Boat captain helps seagull that hitched a ride on his lobster boat for 15 years

After encountering a wild animal on a regular basis for more than a decade, it’d be odd if you didn’t ...

Man pulls his disabled dog around in a cozy wagon so she can have a walk in the park

Some dogs have disabilities that make it hard for them to do certain things, requiring a little extra love from ...