Man pulls his disabled dog around in a cozy wagon so she can have a walk in the park

Some dogs have disabilities that make it hard for them to do certain things, requiring a little extra love from their owners.

Not everyone is up for these extra responsibilities—we’ve sadly seen many stories of disabled dogs being left for dead or surrendered to high-kill shelters.

But on the other side of things, we see owners go above and beyond to help dogs who need it. That’s what one man discovered when he spotted the heartwarming arrangement between a stranger and his dog.

Bryan Thompson shared his story in December. He was in Shubie Park in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia when he spotted a man with his dog.

But he wasn’t walking the dog with a leash… he was pushing him in a wagon.

Bryan looked at the dog in the wagon, wrapped up in blankets: “She was all bundled up and was happy for extra love,” he wrote.

Then he started talking to the stranger, and he discovered the reason he was pulling her in a wagon: she has ALS, a spinal cord disease that can leave dogs paralyzed.

The dog was unable to walk, so he pulled her around in the wagon so she could still get fresh air and explore the park.

Bryan was deeply moved, but the man didn’t think anything of it.

“I told him he was a great person for doing that, because I know there are many who wouldn’t,” Bryan wrote. “He just said that she would do the same for him and kept trucking.”

“It’s hard to type this without tearing up.”

It’s inspiring to see what some people will do for their dogs. This man may not think he did anything special, but we say he’s a hero.

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