abandoned puppies - We Love Animals

abandoned puppies

Three starving German Shepherd puppies were left in dumpster, rescued by Good Samaritan

Three starving German Shepherd puppies were left in dumpster, rescued by Good Samaritan

It’s unbelievable that anyone would abandon a puppy and leave them for dead, but some people literally treat their animals ...

Cyclists find five puppies buried in hole, give them a ride to save their lives

It’s always heartwarming to hear stories of people going out of their way to help animals when they’re in need. ...

Puppies left in zipped-up bag get adopted by police officers who rescued them

It’s a police officer’s duty to look out for everyone in their community, whether they be human or animal. We’ve ...

Newborn puppies are found left for dead in bag near river

It never ceases to shock us how cruel some people can be to animals. Heartless people abandon innocent dogs in ...

Deputy finds and rescues puppy abandoned at homeless camp

It’s always heartbreaking to see an abandoned pet. So many cats and dogs are left to fend for themselves, struggling ...