Officers find dog left in scorching hot car, break the windows to set him free

We’re in the middle of summer, and temperatures are scorching in many areas. It’s more important than ever to be aware of leaving dogs in hot cars.

Dogs are very susceptible to heat stroke, and leaving them in a vehicle unattended can lead to severe consequences and death.

This summer has already seen multiple cases of dogs killed in hot cars… but luckily one case was prevented by some quick-acting police officers.

On a hot day in June, officers from Florida’s Clearwater Police Department were called to the parking garage of a Holiday Inn & Suites hotel.

A dog had been left alone in a parked vehicle. There was no air conditioning and the windows were rolled up, no owner in sight.

The dog was no doubt suffering inside… so the officers responded by breaking the windows to set him free.

It’s a miracle the dog was found when he was. The temperature in the car was extreme, and it’s easy to imagine he wouldn’t have survived long.

“When Pinellas County Animal Control arrived about 10 to 15 minutes later, the temperature inside the car was still 94.6 degrees after having been open for some time,” the Clearwater Police Department wrote.

“It’s safe to say the temperature inside the vehicle while the dog was still in it was well over 100 degrees.”

Luckily, the dog did not suffer a tragic fate. He was set free and immediately given much-needed water by the police.

The dog was soon transferred to Pinellas County Animal Control. It isn’t clear from the report where the owners were at the time, but the department says the case was referred to the Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney’s Office for prosecution.

“Please don’t leave your animals or your children inside a car for any length of time during the hot summer months,” the department wrote.

It’s unbelievable that people still leave their animals in hot cars after so many tragedies, but luckily this dog was saved just in time.

Keep your animals safe this summer and be vigilant about animals left in cars! Share this important reminder!

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