Loyal service dog graduates with honors after helping owner through middle school

Service dogs are an invaluable resource for people who need them. More than just pets, these incredible dogs help their owners do things that might have never been possible without them.

One loyal service dog helped her owner get through many years of school — and when her owner graduated recently, the dog was there to receive her own special honor.

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Sadie is a service dog belonging to Annslee Barbosa, who, according to KENS5, has Type 1 diabetes. Annslee has had Sadie since she was in third grade, and the dog has always accompanied her to school.

Over the years, Sadie has been a true life-saver.

“She has saved Annslees life more times than I can count,” Annslee’s mother Liz wrote in a Facebook post. “She even saved a random guy at the mall and someone else’s grandma at Groves Elementary!”

So when Annslee graduated Groves Middle School, Sadie was with her — adorably dressed in her own cap and gown! According to Liz, Sadie “graduated with honors” from the middle school:

Sadie will no longer accompany Annslee as she heads to high school: Liz called it a “tough decision” that her daughter “did not make lightly.”

Instead, this doggy grad will stay at home, taking on a new role as “guardian of the house.”

After many years of faithful service as an in-school companion dog, it’s a fitting way to honor Sadie — and Liz says the loyal dog more than deserves the honor.

“She has more than earned her feather,” Liz Barbosa wrote in her Facebook post. “If you see her today give her all the belly rubs and scratchins, she’s earned them!”

Thank you to Sadie for so many life-saving years of service helping your owner get through school — she definitely earned her honors at graduation!

Please share this heartwarming news if you love dogs!



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