Man gives the shirt off his back to save possum from rain storm

There are some kind people who will do anything to help an animal in need… even if it means literally giving the shirt off their back.

That was the case for one hero, who stepped up to save a possum from drowning in the most inspiring way.

In August, there was a rain storm in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. As the rain poured and began to flood, a group of friends saw a possum about to be washed away.

Then suddenly, one man named Abraham ran into the pouring rain and took off his shirt. His friends all watched and wondered what he was doing… and saw him wrap the shirt around the possum!


The whole incident was caught on camera. “My best friend Abraham, took his shirt off to save the possum and deliver it to safety,” the videographer told ViralHog.

His friends watched amazed as Abraham walked shirtless through the rain, carrying the poor animal in his arms.


After getting the possum to higher ground, Abraham released the possum back into the wild, away from the flooding rain.


There aren’t many people who would go out of their way to help a possum. These animals are often dismissed as unwanted pests.

But possums are not only harmless to humans, but serve an important part in our ecosystems by eating ticks, helping prevent the spread of lyme disease.

They’re our friends, and we’re glad this man was able to save one’s life. Abraham was praised as a hero after the video was posted online.

What a great rescue! Thank you to this man for selflessly saving this possum. Share this amazing story!