inspiring - We Love Animals


Prison inmate had given up hope — but caring for shelter dog changed both of their lives

Prison inmate had given up hope — but caring for shelter dog changed both of their lives

The love of a dog can truly change a person’s life. That was certainly the case for one former inmate, ...

Dog severely burned in house fire becomes therapy dog for burn unit, inspiring others like him

Three years ago, a dog’s life changed forever when he was caught in a house fire and left with severe ...

Pink puppy born deaf and blind becomes an inspiration for kids with differences

Sometimes dogs are born with disabilities or look a little different, but that doesn’t mean they can’t do extraordinary things. ...

Cat Cafe in Ukraine refuses to close doors despite Russian invasion, continues to care for 20 cats

The world continues to watch with shock and sadness as Russian forces invade Ukraine. But amidst the heartbreak, there have ...

Man stranded in sea after falling off boat survives thanks to the help of a seal

The sea can be a scary place for humans. There are few things more terrifying than being stuck in the ...

Baby comforts his scared dog during a thunderstorm in precious viral video

With everything going on the world lately—especially the coronavirus pandemic affecting everyone’s lives—we could all use someone to comfort us ...