gorillas - We Love Animals


Critically endangered western lowland gorilla born at zoo — welcome to the world

Critically endangered western lowland gorilla born at zoo — welcome to the world

It’s always a special moment for a zoo when a new baby animal is born, especially when they are part ...

Fatou, world's oldest living gorilla, turns 67 — happy birthday!

Some animals are blessed with exceptionally long lives, and a special few even hold the distinction as the oldest living ...

Jameela, premature gorilla born via rare c-section, accepted by surrogate mother after zoo transfer

In February, we reported on the story of Jameela, a prematurely-born baby gorilla who was successfully delivered via a rare ...

This orphaned baby gorilla was raised by the zookeeper who saved his life — now he has a new mom

Gorillas are one of the closest animal relatives to humans, and raising a baby gorilla is a lot like raising ...

Oldest silverback gorilla in the world turns 52 — happy birthday, Ramses

Some animals are blessed with long, healthy lives, and a rare few hold the distinction of being the oldest of ...

Zookeeper brings her newborn baby to meet her gorilla friends and they have the sweetest reactions

Gorillas are one of the closest relatives to humans in the animal kingdom. They’re such intelligent creatures, and it’s not ...