Grieving horse says farewell to owner in touching moment during owner’s funeral procession

On New Years’ Day 2017, Wagner Figueiredo de Lima was involved in a motorcycle accident in Brazil. He underwent surgery, but did not survive.

Family and friends, including Wagner’s horse Sereno, gathered to pay their final respects.

Since the two were close, Wando, Wagner’s brother, thought the horse should be present to say goodbye.

As Wagner’s coffin passed by, Sereno reacted in a way that caught everyone off guard.

“[Sereno] began to walk around the coffin, smelling the coffin. Then he neighed,” attendee Kyioshi Abreu told The Dodo. “It was a very strong emotion. Everyone who was there was moved. I cried myself when I saw that scene.”

“This horse was everything to him [Wagner], it was as if the horse knew what was happening and wanted to say goodbye. All the way to the cemetery he would whimper and beat with his paws on the ground,” Wando told Globo News.

At one point Sereno gently placed his head against Wagner’s coffin.

Wando told Globo News he planned to take care of Sereno and that the horse would stay in the family “forever.”

This just breaks my heart. Poor Sereno knows his owner is in that coffin.

I wish I could give him a big hug and let him know that everything will be just fine.

I’m so glad that Wando will take care of Sereno and give him all the love he deserves.

Share this article to send happy thoughts to Sereno and help him get through this difficult period.

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