Woman constructs a backyard for rescue dog who never had one of his own

All dogs deserve their own backyard to run around and play in, but sadly not all of them get to have one.

But one woman knew how much a yard would make a difference for her rescue dog after all he had been through, and set out to make the dream a reality.

KaTarra Taylor adopted a bloodhound named Bentley. The dog had a rough start to life, going through four different homes before finding KaTarra. The instability left him extremely anxious.

“I took him in at 4,” KaTarra wrote on Facebook. “I was his 5th home and everyone had given up on him. He was destructive, aggressive, and untrusting.”

“I worked tirelessly to leash train him, treat his anxiety, diagnose and treat his severe allergies, and break his aggression.”

But over time, the two worked through Bentley’s anxiety disorders, and his personality began to shine through.

“He’s half sweet doofus and half cranky grandpa,” KaTarra told The Dodo

The only downside to their situation: they lived together in a small, one-bedroom apartment. While Bentley loved running around in the grass at the park, he had no space to call his own.

This inspired KaTarra to upgrade her living situation. She moved from the apartment to a townhouse, and while she still couldn’t afford anything with a big backyard, it did have an enclosed patio.

While it didn’t look like much, she was determined to make it into a space where her dog could roam and play.

KaTarra enlisted her boyfriend to help with the construction project, breaking up the cement and putting in fresh grass.

“My boyfriend Nick was able to get it all done in one day for under $400,” she said.

But all the hard work paid off: Bentley loved his new backyard, and rolled around in the new grass.

“Bentley immediately laid down and just stayed there for several hours,” KaTarra told The Dodo. “He seems so happy with it.” 

It’s amazing what some owners will do to make their pets feel loved! We know Bentley will always love his new backyard.

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