Man tortures dogs on the street – and uses their cries to blackmail animal lovers for money

Professional scammers can be really creative in figuring out tactics to rob tourists or other gullible, vulnerable people.

But I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of a scam as gruesome as the one in this story.

A drunk man in the Chinese city of Jilin was filmed brutally beating a dog in the street. The reason? He wanted to extort money from shocked animal friends.

The shirtless man is seen holding the dog by its leg and repeatedly beating it with a stick. The animal’s desperate moans attract the attention of several passerbys, who he then bids to pay him in exchange of him stopping his sick actions.

“I could kill him, he’s not worth anything,” the attacker says.

According to a local animal lover, Niu, this incident signals the third dog the man has tortured this way, the Shanghaiist reports. He gets drunk regularly then brutally kicks street dogs until a crowd gathers around him. Then he demands money from them stop the torture.

And the trick works: Niu has already bought a dog from him for 3,500 yuan (about USD $500). She is aware that this might encourage him to torture more dogs, but she simply could not stand the dog’s suffering any longer.

The police has interrogated the man following the incident, but there is no law in China prohibiting the abuse of pets such as dogs or cats unless they are someone else’s property, reports Express.

What a disgusting way to scam compassionate people for their money. This story shows why laws are needed to fully protect abused animals. Share this post if you demand appropriate punishment for animal abusers.