Horse groomer dances to favorite song – but now look carefully when the horse turns the table

We all know the feeling. Out of nowhere, your favorite song comes on the radio… and suddenly you just can’t stand still.

Well, obviously it’s not just humans who get the urge to dance. This clip, which has been watched nearly 4 million times on YouTube, is proof of it!

In the clip we see a horse groomer dance to Meghan Trainor’s popular song “All about that bass” from 2014.

It’s a hit song that’s made many people break out their best moves – and this groomer is no exception.

She throws herself into her dance routine in the middle of the stable… with one spectator who’s all too keen to get in on the action.

All of a sudden, the horse starts to bob his head along to the catchy tune.

The clip has become an internet sensation, and I can see why. It’s always great to see a duo have so much fun together!

This is what life’s all about.

Watch the clip here – and keep your eye out for when she points at the horse:

What a wonderful video. Share this with your friends if it put a smile on your face, too!
Published by The Animal Bible. Please like.