Dog is rescued from cramped cage – ready to find a new loving home

A dog trapped in a cage, unable to enjoy the outdoors and explore its surroundings is a terrible thing. For many people dogs are their best friends and should be treated so.

That’s why I’m so glad that this sweet dog Liszka eventually got the freedom and love that she deserved.

Sweet dog Liszka had unfortunately encountered a really bad owner in Poland. She was kept in a very small cage with no opportunity to move around.

But luckily, she was discovered by animal lovers who found out about the terrible conditions she was forced to endure and rescued her.

“She was waiting for death,” her rescuer from the animal shelter told OTOZ Animals.

Facebook/OTOZ Animals

Staff from the animal shelter discovered that Liszka had sustained injuries to her legs and found it very difficult to walk. She was also afraid of people and shook with fear when her rescuer approached her.

The man who had kept Liszka in a cage was arrested by police on suspicion of animal cruelty.

Thankfully this sweet dog got help and is much better today. Liszka is lucky there are people who devote their time to saving animals who are being badly treated.

Facebook/OTOZ Animals

Liszka was cared for by a veterinarian for her injuries and is slowly starting to recover. She now has something to live for.

Got to feel grass under her paws

In the video below, Liszka gets to feel grass for the first time under her paws. Her rescuer stays with her in the yard while she explores her new environment.

You can see how grateful she is. Liszka is happy, while still a little scared and doubtful. It must feel unreal to be loved and cared for properly after such a terrible ordeal.

Watch this heartwarming video below:

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Feel free to share this wonderful story with anyone you know who also loves seeing animals this happy!

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