Brewery offers ‘puppy paternity leave’ allowing employees to stay home with their new dogs

Most companies offer maternity leave for new mothers so they can spend a few weeks with their newborn without having to worry about work.

But what about some time off for people who adopt a new dog? Of course it’s not as big a deal as giving birth to a baby, but a newly adopted pup can need some time to adjust to their new surroundings, and it can be helpful for their new owners to be home with them.

Now, one dog-loving company is putting that bold new idea into action, offering their employees a one-week “Puppy Paternity Leave” when they adopt a dog.

BrewDog is a craft beer brewery based in Scotland, and true to the name, they know the value of a good dog. They let many employees bring their pets in to spread some joy around the office.

But recently they announced they would take things a step further by letting employees take a week off when they get a new addition.

“We know only too well that having a new arrival – whether a mewling pup or unsettled rescue dog – can be stressful for human and hound both,” the company wrote on their blog.

“So we are becoming the first in our industry to give our staff a working week’s leave on us to help settle a new furry family member into their home… Puppy Parental Leave will support nervy canines and their owners alike in those all-important first few days of the greatest relationship a person can have (children excepted.)”

The company is offering the policy to all employees at all their locations. BrewDog opened a brewery in Columbus, Ohio in 2017, and say they are the first company in the US to offer this kind of time off.

In addition to their craft beers, the brewery has become known for their outside-the-box ideas: they started their own beer airline and, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, switched gears to manufacture hand sanitizer for hospitals.

It’s also not the first time a beer company has made dog adoption easier: Coors Light offered to pay for people’s adoption fees back in February, while Busch offered free beer to anyone who adopted a dog.

We love any idea that helps dogs and their owners, and encourages more people to adopt. Hopefully more companies take up this idea!

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