After 2 day search in freezing forest: Owner can’t stop crying when she sees dog again

Jodi O’Shea was out walking in a forest with her dog Bear on boxing day when something terrible happened.

Someone nearby fired a weapon, and Bear was terrified. Jodi barely had time to react before Bear sprinted off and disappeared into the forest.

It was the start of a nightmare for the family.

Jodi and her family searched day and night for Bear – but found no trace of him. It was freezing outside and they were terrified that their dog would freeze to death.

The forest was huge, which didn’t make their task any easier.

But Jodi refused to give up. After two days of searching they finally found Bear, shivering under a tree.

Jodi immediately swept him up and wrapped him in a blanket. The emotional reunion was caught on film, and it’s hard not to be moved by the family’s reaction.

Thankfully, it all ended well this time. Bear was driven straight to the vet for a check-up, before he was able to return home.

See Jodi reunite with her dog in the clip below:

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