Cat puts a comforting arm around his new brother as they watch the storm together

It’s no secret that many pets are afraid of thunderstorms, so when the weather turns stormy it’s always good for them to have a friend to comfort them.

That was no problem for two feline best friends, who calmly watched the storm together in one adorable viral moment.

Emma Patricia, from Ontario, Canada, is the owner of two rescue cats, Norman and Noah. Noah joined the family after her sister found the cat on a canoe trip.

“He was down on the riverbed and I came and got him and he never left,” Patricia told The Dodo.

When you suddenly bring a second cat home, there’s naturally a worry that the pets won’t get along well.

But Norman and Noah quickly became family.

“They are brothers and very much act like it,” Emma said. “They love to be close to one another.”

Being family doesn’t always mean getting along perfectly—these two sometimes wrestle with each other, as many brothers do.

But Emma says that just minutes after they had been wrestling, they stopped to watch the rain out of the window together.

And then, Norman put a comforting arm around his brother:

While the cats get along, Emma had never seen anything so sweet.

“They will hug each other like that to groom one another,” Emma told The Dodo. “But to just sit like little thunder buddies that way — never!”

She captured the heartwarming moment in a photo and shared it on Twitter, where it has gone viral with over 40,000 shares.

What adorable cats! It’s always so heartwarming when our pets get along so well and learn to love each other like family.

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