Wild baboons have the time of their lives in man’s swimming pool

You’ve probably seen videos of bears playing in pools, a moose messing around in a kiddie pool, and perhaps the scariest of them all, an alligator floating on a gator raft in a pool.

But none of them live up to the scene that Garth Bradley captured while he was working at his home in South Africa.

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Garth Bradley, who owns Kalliste An Exclusive Retreat, was sitting at his desk, looking out at the beautiful view when two baboons took advantage of the empty pool.

The wild baboons, which Bradley said have been spotted in the area before, but usually stick to the ponds in the garden, jumped right into the pool and started swimming.

“They were in the pool for five minutes. We don’t chase or interfere with them,” he told East Coast Radio.

Hundreds of thousands of people have watched the two baboons jump, splash, and play along the side of the pool.

While some might be concerned with a wild animal taking a dip in their swimming pool, Bradley doesn’t mind. In fact, he finds it unreasonable to expect anything less.

“We chose to live in this area for its natural beauty,” Bradley told The Dodo. “We have moved into their space, they haven’t moved into ours. It is about tolerance. It would be foolish of us not to expect visitors from the wild.”

Watch the video below and share the fun video with your friends and family!

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