Rescue sets up makeshift koala shelter in school gym after Australian bushfires

As massive bushfires continue to ravage Australia, many people have been stepping up to help save the wildlife devastated by the fires.

Koalas in particular are greatly in need of help. An estimated 25,000 have died in the fires so far, in a species already in danger of extinction. Every koala life is important and it’s crucial that we protect the survivors.


From a woman saving a koala with the shirt on her back to a dog trained to track down survivors, many stories have emerged of everyday heroes stepping up to save the animals. But now photos show the efforts taken to care for and protect the koalas as their homes are burned down.

Over 100 koalas are being cared for in a makeshift rescue center… in a primary school gym:

The shelter is operated by the Adelaide Koala Rescue, who set up the camp at Paradise Primary School in Adelaide. The photos reveal a lot of quick-thinking ingenuity, with volunteers helping the koalas using the resources they have.

Each koala is placed in what appears to be a playpen made for a child. Each pen has a chart with medical records placed outside.

There’s also plenty of plants for the koalas to eat:

There are volunteers and veterinarians on hand to care for the koalas, making sure they have everything they need.

According to 7News, the makeshift shelter includes an intensive care unit, a burn center, a section for babies and even a chlamydia section. The setup also includes an outdoor section so the koalas can climb trees.

When the koalas are sufficiently cared for, they are released back into the wild.

It’s amazing to see these people step up to help the koalas using everything they had available, but as 10 News First Adelaide points out they are in “desperate need of relocation.”

It’s a story that reminds the world of the crucial work people are doing in Australia with limited resources—another great reason to donate to causes in Australia.

Thank you to these great people helping the koalas!

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