Monkey adopts kitten and cradles it as if it were her own baby

The compassion animals show in taking on a creature in need even when they’re not the same species is something we can all learn from.

A wonderful example of this was captured by a visitor to the beautiful island of Bali where monkeys roam free.

Animal lover Anne Young was in Ubud enjoying the Monkey Forest Park when she noticed an unusual sight.

One of the monkeys was cradling something ginger and furry so she gently stepped forward to get a closer look.

Anne saw that the monkey was holding a ginger kitten and was treating him like he was her very own baby.

Amateur photographer Anne had to capture the beautiful relationship these two have and thankfully shared the moving images.

According to Today, the wild macaque was very protective of her little friend and even tried to hide the kitten from Anne’s camera by covering him with a large leaf.

The kitten seems very content while being carried around by his adoptive parent.

Such sweet friends 🙂

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