tornado - We Love Animals


Woman thought her cat was gone after tornado destroyed home — miraculous reunion caught on camera

Woman thought her cat was gone after tornado destroyed home — miraculous reunion caught on camera

When a tornado struck their home, one family lost everything — including, it seemed, their pet cat. But then they ...

News crew rescues dog trapped under house after deadly tornado

A news crew set out to report on the aftermath of a deadly tornado, only to find themselves the heroes ...

Blind cat pulled from rubble after animal shelter destroyed by tornado

An animal shelter struck by a devastating tornado has found a silver lining, after a blind cat was pulled from ...

Family struck by tornado finally reunite with the dog who saved their lives

It’s always heartbreaking when a dog goes missing, but for one family it happened at the most devastating possible time: ...

Pet tortoise found in tornado debris

“I was really nervous,” Owen said. “Cause the chances of him surviving and falling out of a window were pretty ...