storm drain - We Love Animals

storm drain

Firefighters crawl 30 feet through storm drain to rescue trapped kitten — thank you

Firefighters crawl 30 feet through storm drain to rescue trapped kitten — thank you

Firefighters are always there to help those in need in their community, whether they be human or animal. We’ve seen ...

Couple stops to help ducklings trapped in storm drain — thank you

It’s always inspiring to see everyday people go out of their way to help animals in need. That was the ...

Woman crawls 300 feet through sewer to rescue trapped kitten

It’s always heartwarming to see people go out of their way to help animals in need. Sometimes cats or dogs ...

Firefighters rescue trapped ducklings from a storm drain and reunite them with their mom

Firefighters are always there to help out anyone in need, whether they be human or animal. They can often be ...

Officers come to the rescue of crying kittens trapped in storm drain

It’s a police officer’s duty to look after everyone in their community, whether they be human or animal. Sometimes animals ...