Woman was distraught after her golden retriever ran away — five years later, she sees a familiar face

It’s always heartbreaking when a pet goes missing, but it’s important to not lose hope — sometimes lost pets return to our lives when we least expect them, months or even years after they disappeared.

And sometimes, they come back to us in the most unexpected ways. That was the case recently, when one woman spotted a familiar face online…

According to a Facebook post from Clermont County Animal Shelter, a golden retriever/husky mix named Will ran off from home back in October 2019.

Facebook/Clear the Clermont County Animal Shelter

His owners were distraught and feared the worst. After a widespread search of the area, they began to fear that their beloved 6-year-old pet was gone for good.

Years passed with no sign of Will. But that all changed when Will’s owner Hannah spotted a Facebook post from the Clermont County Animal Shelter, about an adoptable dog named “Rome.”

Hannah recognized the furry face, and wondered if Rome was actually her long-lost Will. She sent the shelter photos, info and a detailed description of Will’s appearance.

“Rome” was about to appear at the shelter’s “My Furry Valentine” adoption event when the shelter got Hannah’s message. They realized that the dog actually was Will, the family’s dog who had been missing for over four years, and quickly made plans to reunite Will with his old family.

Facebook/Clear the Clermont County Animal Shelter

“Tears of joy flowed as Hannah rushed to the location where Rome was and as she rounded the corner, there he was—her faithful companion, Will!” the shelter wrote.

“The reunion was nothing short of magical, a testament to the unwavering loyalty and love that exists between humans and their four-legged friends. Will may have aged gracefully over the past 5 years, but his spirit is as youthful as ever.”

What a miracle! We are so glad Will is back home after being missing for almost 5 years!

Please share this amazing news if you love dogs! ❤️🐾


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