Nurse smuggles dog into hospital so dying man can have one last cuddle with his pet

So many elderly people rely on their animals for companionship and comfort in their golden years.

For many people their pets are a lifeline; they give them a reason to go on, help combat loneliness, and can even help in times of trouble.

For one elderly man his dog was just that and when he was living through the darkest moment in his life it was his best friend that he needed more than ever.

David King was being treated for cancer in a hospital in Missouri, but sadly was losing his battle to this horrific disease.


His wife Cindy knew that he wanted to see their little Yorkie mix one last time to say goodbye but unfortunately hospital policy didn’t allow it.

David’s nurse, who had been with him throughout his treatment and knew what he’d been through, understood the need to fulfill his wish before he passed so when Cindy asked for her help she was only too happy to oblige.

‘Losing his battle with cancer’

With the help of David’s nurse and Cindy’s determination they were able to sneak in the pup called Lil Fee so David could cuddle his beloved pet one last time.

David’s granddaughter Ellie shared an image of the touching reunion on Twitter alongside the caption: “My grandpa is losing his battle with cancer so the nurses helped my grandma sneak their dog into the hospital to say goodbye.”

Her tweet quickly went viral with over 1,000 people reacting and praising the nurse for her generous actions.

Ellie told Yahoo Lifestyle: “My grandpa loved his dog Lil Fee; she would follow him around everywhere. He would bring her everywhere he could. My grandpa had been battling cancer for the past couple years, but last week it took over his whole body.

“He spent about a week in the hospital, and my grandma brought pictures of the dog to hang up.”

But his family knew holding Lil Fee would be so much better than seeing pictures.

‘A moment I’ll never forget’

“The nurses always heard my grandma talking about Lil Fee,” Ellie added.

“So they encouraged her and helped her get the dog in. They had my aunt carry the dog in a really big purse,” she said.

Seeing his beloved dog also encouraged him to do something amazing.

“For the first time that day, he moved his arm in an attempt to pet his Lil Fee. It was a moment I’ll never forget,” Ellie said.


The love we have for our pets is very powerful and I’m glad David was able to hold his four-legged friend during his final moments. I hope it brought him the comfort he deserved.

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