Huskies start arguing in bed, what the camera captures makes the whole internet burst out laughing

Even the best relationships have their ups and downs. Sometimes, that means talking things out and sometimes it means a few choice words are exchanged.

Of course, this kind of behavior isn’t limited to us humans. It also happens between dogs like these two sweet Siberian huskies.

Image Source: YouTube

Started to mess

Seeing dogs argue can be scary, because if they’re really angry, dogs can hurt each other. As a dog owner, it’s hard to know how to handle that kind of situation. But luckily, in this case, the huskies’ owner could relax and have a good laugh.

These smart huskies behave almost like humans. Rather than showing their teeth to show each other who’s boos, they started talking and trying to solve their dispute with words — and the result was amazing.

Image Source: YouTube

The huskies’ owner found her dogs in bed, where one of them seemed to start the argument. Then the other dog answered and their discussion was in full swing.

The dogs started barking at each other like they were an old married couple, and having lived their whole lives under the same roof, they were certainly close.

Image Source: YouTube

“Who won?”

It really doesn’t matter what the two dogs were arguing about — it’s more about the way they argued. At one point, they even looked at their owner, perhaps hoping to find out who won the argument.

Their owner filmed the entire thing and put it up on YouTube, where over a million people have gotten a good laugh out of it. Because even though the two dogs argued, they did it in the sweetest way. The way only our beloved dogs could.

These two sweethearts really know how to resolve conflicts! Please share if these huskies also made you smile!

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