Drivers stop their cars, team up to rescue Chihuahua from expressway

A little Chihuahua was in serious danger after running onto a busy expressway — until a group of strangers banded together to save the day.

The chihuahua, named Bean, reportedly bolted off after getting scared by another dog. “He got under the fence didn’t know there was a hole,” owner Tammy Richardson told WABC.

The fleet-footed little dog soon ended up in a dangerous spot: the Staten Island Expressway. The interstate highway was busy with cars, and motorists were startled by the sight of Bean racing alongside them.


Bean was in serious danger of being hit by a vehicle. Motorist Katie Marie recalled a scary close encounter with the chihuahua: “The most heart-stopping moment for me was when the dog went underneath my car, I thought I killed it,” she told CNN.

“Another thing I was thinking in my head, ‘What is insurance going to say?’ If my car gets hit, if all these cars get hit, we tell them a chihuahua was on the highway.”

It was a dangerous situation, especially for Bean who seemed likely to be hit by a vehicle. But thankfully, several of the drivers banded together to save the day.

After Bean ran under her car, Katie stopped and tried to grab him, but he was too fast. Even Ella Wolskawoja, who recently ran in the New York Marathon, had trouble catching the speedy chihuahua, and ran after him for half a mile. “I jumped out and chased, I didn’t expect that dog could be so fast,” she told WABC.


Kaitlyn McGinley, a nurse, was surprised after seeing Ella running down the highway, but when she realized the situation she also joined in the rescue effort, and finally secured Bean.

“The dog ran under my car and hit under my tire. Someone gave me a bag, and I scooped him up and put him in the car.”


Bean wasn’t exactly appreciative of the group effort to save his life: “A little nippy, he almost bit me, but it’s OK,” Kaitlyn told CNN.

The dramatic rescue effort was captured in dashcam footage by Katie Marie, who shared it online to help identify the dog’s owner. Thankfully, Bean was soon reunited with Tammy.

Bean’s adventure on the expressway has made him something of a celebrity, and “the famous Bean” even has his own Instagram account now. Photos show he’s happy and cozy at home.


We’re so glad Bean is home safe and sound! Thank you to everyone who helped save this sweet little dog!

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