Dog is found fighting for her life after someone glues her mouth and eyes together before dumping her

The lengths that people go to hurt an animal that gives nothing but love and loyalty makes me sick to the stomach.

To think of the anger that animal abusers must have to hurt a dog that is so sweet and loving confirms that there must be something wrong with them.

The state one dog was found in at the side of the road will continue to haunt me. Thank goodness for the sweet person who saved her and gave her the chance she so desperately deserved.




Glory was abandoned by her previous owner in Wichita and was spotted at the side of a busy highway by a passerby.

The woman had stopped her car after seeing the animal struggling and wanted to help.

As she got closer, she couldn’t believe what someone had done to her and immediately rushed her to the nearest veterinarian.

Glory had not only been abandoned but some monster had glued her eyes and mouth together with superglue. She also had bruises all over her body.

Glory was found fighting for her life and it was touch and go as vets worked hard to save her.

But her strength and determination, which earned her the name Glory, saw her through and before long she was eating, drinking and running around with her new furry friends.

A $5,000-dollar reward was offered to anyone who could help catch the cruel culprit.

Meanwhile this sweet-natured dog found a forever family and is now surrounded by the love she deserves.

💕💗💖 ADOPTED 💖💗💕Remember little Glory, the dog found on the side of the road with her eyes and mouth super glued shut?…

Posted by Beauties and Beasts, Inc. on Sunday, July 8, 2018

Please share to wish Glory all the happiness in the world and to pay tribute to the people who saved this sweet dog.


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